Animals & biodiversity

Humans have a nasty habit of displacing or exterminating any organism that doesn't provide an obvious short term benefit. We now know that biodiversity is the key to a healthy, functional and resilient ecosystem.

By including and encouraging a diverse range of plants, animals and insects we produce systems that are naturally harmonious and balanced and therefore require less human management and are less susceptible to climatic fluctuation and pest invasion.

Animals are a vital component of any natural system and it would be impossible to exclude them entirely. Larger animals, while not without their benefits, require a fair amount of care and attention. In addition the bigger they are the more space and food they require and generally have a bigger impact on their surrounding environment. Since we are currently establishing a large number of young trees this excludes us from any of the larger animals at this time.



These spiny little mammals usually come out at dusk or during the night and snuffle about eating worms and insects although they can on occasion eat eggs.

If startled they roll into a prickly ball.
Unknown Insect

Unknown Insect

This strange looking insect with the long 'tail' appeared in the house the other day.

Looks like a cross between a dragon fly and a wasp. Fortunately it didn't hang around.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Over the past few years we (and others out there) have been experiencing an explosion in the number of green shield / vegetable / stink bugs (Nezara viridula). We try and be accommodating to the various other creatures we share the world with, however these things are especially annoying with the damage they do to summer vegetables and fruit. In particular we find they enjoy tomatoes, beans and corn with lesser damage done to capsicums and fruit.

March 27, 2020
A plague of rats

A plague of rats

What with an abundance of edibles and great places to hide at blockhill there has been something of an epidemic of rats. While we are generally happy to share with all the creatures it gets a little concerning when they can be heard chewing on things in the ceiling. Fearing our water pipes and electric cabling might be damaged we decided to push back. With a little help from Victor we were soon dispatching rats (also named Victor) daily.
August 15, 2019
  rat  pest  zone1 
Trees for animal fodder

Trees for animal fodder

By now it should be obvious that we need more trees in our landscapes, however inconvenient that may seem. The benefits are numerous. Using trees for supplementary animal feed is a smart strategy in drought prone areas. This includes:
  • Fresh leaves / foliage
  • Fruits and berries
  • Nuts and seeds
Once established, trees are long lived with a deep root system capable of funding moisture in dry times. Large volumes of edible material can be produced, along with all the other benefits provided by appropriate species of trees.
September 04, 2018
  trees  animals 
Banjo is her name

Banjo is her name

Details   It seemed like a good idea (at the time) to get a puppy. Banjo is fox terrier / jack russell cross and bursting with energy and an insatiable need to chew on things.
Date   March 09, 2017
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