Cowies triangle

 Cowies triangle map information


Cowies triangle

Details   Cook. Late season. Keeper. Very attractive firm green cooking apple with a red splash by the stalk. This apple has been found on several heritage orchards in Southland so it is an very old variety and one well worth including in a home orchard. We are presently working to identify it. This one was planted by a fruit tree enthusiast a Mr Kennedy many years ago when, like us, he was putting back heritage apples he thought worthwhile for Southland.
Date   September 28, 2017
Colour   Green

Cowies triangle

Details   Cook. Late season. Keeper. Very attractive firm green cooking apple with a red splash by the stalk. This apple has been found on several heritage orchards in Southland so it is an very old variety and one well worth including in a home orchard. We are presently working to identify it. This one was planted by a fruit tree enthusiast a Mr Kennedy many years ago when, like us, he was putting back heritage apples he thought worthwhile for Southland.
Date   September 28, 2017
Colour   Green