
Aphids are soft, pear-shaped and very tiny with long antennae. Aphids are "farmed" by ants, which often keep them in their nest during winter. In spring the ants bring them out and place them on the host plant. The ants eat the honeydew the aphids produce and move them from plant to plant spreading any diseases that are present. The honeydew favors formation of a black fungus known as "sooty mold." Control of the ants may often solve the aphid problem. Aphids abound in warm moist environments and will attack almost anything, favoring succulent new growth.


Aphids attack most plants. They mature in 1 to 2 weeks and reproduce continuously. Both adults and nymphs suck plant sap, which usually causes distorted leaves, buds, branch tips, and flowers. Leaves and flowers can become severly infested and drop. As they feed, aphids excrete a sweet, sticky honeydew. Some aphids spread viruses as they feed.

Garlic spray

Finely chop 10 to 15 garlic cloves and soak in 400ml mineral oil for 24 hours.
Strain and spray as is or dilute with water and a few drops of soap.


Now you're ready to spray this natural solution onto the infected plants. Spray both the front and the back of each infected leaf and the stems of the plant too.


Note: Before spraying each plant perform a small test first. Because soap can sometimes burn particular varieties, spray this solution on just one leaf first. It generally takes about 24 to 48 hours for a burn to show up. If burning is not a problem go ahead and spray all infected areas of the plant.


How and why does this solution work?

The soap breaks down the insect's protective exterior coating. This dehydrates the insects and makes them more susceptible to disease.


Life cycle

Female aphids can reproduce without mating. They give birth continuously to live nymphs which mature in 1 to 2 weeks and start reproducing in turn. In fall males and females are born. They mate and the female lays eggs which hatch the following spring.



Flowers, most fruit and vegetable plants, ornamentals and house plants. Love yellow flowers.



Green lacewings, ladybugs and their respective larvae have a voracious appetite for aphids. Larvae from the syrphid fly, hover flies and praying mantis.


Repellent plants

Anise, chives, coriander (cilantro), garlic, onions, petunias and radish. Nasturtiums act as a trap crop.Yarrow and sweet alyssum.




Aphids attack plants and are small greenish creatures that live on fleshy plants and leaves. Find out how to control them.