Honesty seeds

Honesty seeds
Common name   Annual honesty
Botanical name   Lunaria annua
Details   Easy to grow from seed and tends to naturalize. An annual or biennial growing to 90 cm with large, coarse, pointed oval leaves. In spring and summer it bears terminal racemes of violet flowers, followed by showy, light brown, translucent, disc-shaped seedpods the skin of which falls off to release the seeds, revealing a central membrane which is white with a silvery sheen, 3 - 8 cm in diameter.
Tags     flowers  pink 
Price   $2.90  20 seeds
Lunaria annua, commonly known as honesty plant, money plant, or silver dollar plant, is an attractive biennial flowering plant that is native to parts of Europe and Western Asia. It is widely cultivated for its ornamental value and has several uses and qualities:
  1. Ornamental Plant: Lunaria annua is primarily grown for its ornamental qualities. It features beautiful purple, pink, or white flowers that bloom in spring, followed by unique seed pods. The seed pods are flat, round, and translucent, resembling silver coins, which is why it is commonly called the "money plant" or "silver dollar plant."
  2. Dried Arrangements: The unique seed pods of Lunaria annua make it a popular choice for dried flower arrangements and crafts. When the seed pods mature and turn papery and silvery, they can be cut and used in floral displays, wreaths, and other decorative crafts.
  3. Edible Uses: While the flowers of Lunaria annua are not typically consumed, some parts of the plant are edible. The young leaves can be used in salads or cooked as a vegetable, although they are not commonly eaten and are not a primary reason for cultivating the plant.
  4. Biennial Growth Habit: Lunaria annua is a biennial plant, which means it completes its life cycle in two years. In the first year, it produces a basal rosette of leaves and establishes its root system. In the second year, it sends up flowering stems and produces flowers and seed pods.
  5. Low Maintenance: The honesty plant is relatively low maintenance, making it suitable for beginner gardeners. Once established, it can tolerate a range of soil types and partial shade, although it prefers well-draining soil and full sun.
  6. Self-Seeding: Lunaria annua is known for its ability to self-seed readily. After the seed pods mature and dry on the plant, they split open, releasing numerous seeds. These seeds can fall to the ground and germinate, leading to new plants in subsequent growing seasons.
  7. Wildlife Attraction: The flowers of Lunaria annua attract bees and other pollinators, making it beneficial for supporting local ecosystems and encouraging biodiversity in the garden.
  8. Folklore and Superstitions: In various cultures, Lunaria annua has been associated with folklore and superstitions. For example, the seed pods are believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and wealth, which is why it earned the name "money plant."
Overall, Lunaria annua is an attractive and interesting plant that can add beauty and charm to gardens and floral arrangements. However, it's essential to note that while some parts are edible, the plant should not be ingested without proper identification and knowledge, as it may have toxic properties.