Granny smith with emerging herb layer

Granny smith with emerging herb layer

Granny smith with emerging herb layer

Details   This was an early attempt at eradicating the grass beneath an existing tree. The mulch layer was too thin and the grass persisted somewhat. However there are plenty of other things getting a foothold including, mint, chives, broad beans and comrefy.

 Belongs to the following Article

Converting an existing orchard to food forest

Converting an existing orchard to food forest

When we took over the property it came with an orchard consisting of plums, almonds, cherry, apricot, apples, peaches, nashi and pears. The trees are of varying ages and were planted more or less randomly across what was once an open paddock. Slowly I have been contouring, inter-planting, removing grass, mulching and generally intensifying the productivity of the area.
September 01, 2013