Microclimate Analysis

tempDataLoggersI recently purchased a number of self contained temperature and humidity data loggers for placement at strategic locations on the property. My ambition is to better understand the seasonal temperature changes and different characteristics of unique locations.

The units are very small and compact and can be configured to take readings as frequently as every 5 seconds. I have selected a half hour sample rate and am looking forward to analyzing the numbers that will be downloaded onto my PC.

By taking year round readings I hope to understand what sorts of temperature extremes we are subject to as well as an ongoing record of frost occurances. While minimum and maximum values for any single day will be interesting, I am also keen to look at rate of change as a short time at a very low temperature may not be as bad as a long time at a less low temperature.

More information will be posted once the data comes back from these points and may eventually tie into my GrowZone application for plant management.