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Reinventing collapse

Reinventing collapse

I'm not sure how I originally came across the name Dmitri Orlov but I have been a follower of for some time, relishing the dry, dark wit and practical experience Dmitri brings to the collapse narrative.

His no nonsense acceptance of the inevitable outcomes resonates with my own desire to build a lifestyle that is as resillient and self contained as possible: We are actively working to reduce our external inputs and produce as much food as possible while practising useful skills such as sewing, wood working and animal husbandry. I'm even in the process of refurbishing one of the outbuildings should we need to house a psychosocially unstable security expert, although I am hopeful it won't come to that.

While his recently rereleased book, reinventing collapse, focuses on the trajectory of the United States versus the former Soviet Union there are many aspects which relate to some degree to the situation here in New Zealand. To support Dmitri in his efforts I felt compelled to purchase a copy of this book as well the accompanying Tshirt, an essential component for the upcoming summer uniform.
August 20, 2011