Found 3 results tagged with 'hen'

Concrete bench top - faux granite

Concrete bench top - faux granite

If you spend a lot of time in the kitchen as we do you will appreciate the value of a quality bench and sink configuration.
The one we had was a single tub with a wooden bench top constructed of poor quality materials and it wasn't living up to our requirements.
In typical style I decided I needed a challenging new project and launched into building a complete replacement with a concrete bench top and double tubs. This is the story.
August 01, 2012
  concrete  kitchen  bench  tub  sink 
The little fellas

The little fellas

In an attempt to diversify our gene pool and add a touch more variety to our flock we acquired 6 new chooks.

The 3 little english game hens, as seen in the foreground, are cute little midgets and the rooster has a hilarious crow...

Also in the mix, 2 bantams and a lavender arikana.
June 29, 2010
Chopping the clucky chook for dinner

Chopping the clucky chook for dinner

So, our chooks have started going clucky (broody) on us again. That means fewer eggs and the usual dramas of trying to get them 'unclucked'. Since we have been considering downscaling our operation due to the excess of eggs and the damage caused in the garden by the aggressively scratching fowls it seemed like an opportunity to have a chicken dinner.
January 24, 2011
  cook  eat  kill  clucky  broody  hen  chook