Another pear

Another pear

Another pear

Details   This tree is looking pretty good although I need to extend the area of 'garden' beneath it as the tree has grown. Under planted with silver beet, garlic, radish, coriander, nastursum and strawberry.
Trunk is on a bit of a lean due to strong winds before shelter grew sufficiently.

 Belongs to the following Article

Converting an existing orchard to food forest

Converting an existing orchard to food forest

When we took over the property it came with an orchard consisting of plums, almonds, cherry, apricot, apples, peaches, nashi and pears. The trees are of varying ages and were planted more or less randomly across what was once an open paddock. Slowly I have been contouring, inter-planting, removing grass, mulching and generally intensifying the productivity of the area.
September 01, 2013