Apple - Fuji scion / bud wood

Apple - Fuji scion / bud wood
Details   A large, sweet, crisp, fine textured, and complexly flavoured apple. This vigorous tree produces excellent eating fruit that store very well. A late season apple, Fuji has eating qualities that are similar to Red Delicious. Requires 500 chilling hours to set fruit. Tip bearing.
Price   $3.90  each
Price for 2 or more   $3.50  each if you buy 2 or more
Tags     apple  scion 
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The Fuji apple is a popular and well-known apple variety that originated in Japan. It is named after the iconic Mount Fuji and was developed in the late 1930s through crossbreeding efforts between two American apple varieties, the Red Delicious and Ralls Janet. The result was a crisp and sweet apple with a pleasing balance of flavours.Here are some key characteristics of the Fuji apple:
  1. Appearance: Fuji apples are medium to large-sized fruits with a round or slightly conical shape. They have a vibrant red skin with green or yellow streaks. The skin is usually speckled with small white lenticels, which are pores that allow the fruit to breathe.
  2. Flavour: One of the main reasons for the popularity of Fuji apples is their delicious flavour. They are known for their sweetness, which is often accompanied by a mild tartness. The taste can vary depending on the apple's ripeness, with fully ripe Fuji apples being sweeter and less tart.
  3. Texture: Fuji apples have a dense and firm texture, making them ideal for both eating fresh and cooking. Their flesh is crisp and juicy, providing a satisfying crunch with every bite.
  4. Storage: These apples have excellent storage capabilities, allowing them to be kept for an extended period. When stored in a cool and dry place, they can maintain their quality for several months without losing their flavour or texture.
  5. Culinary Uses: Fuji apples are versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. They are delicious when eaten fresh as a snack, in salads, or sliced with cheese. Due to their ability to hold their shape well during cooking, they are also commonly used for baking, making pies, tarts, and other desserts.
  6. Nutrition: Like most apples, Fuji apples are a good source of dietary fibre, vitamin C, and various antioxidants. They are relatively low in calories and fat, making them a healthy choice for a snack or as part of a balanced diet.
Fuji Apple

Fuji Apple

Details   Existing apple tree that we under planted with rhubarb, strawberries and bulbs as permanent plantings and then an assortment of self seeded annuals from the previous year.
Date   June 01, 2001