Food Forests, Permaculture & Water Harvesting

Food Forests, Permaculture & Water Harvesting

Food Forests, Permaculture & Water Harvesting

Olmec will show you how he and his wife Melisa designed permaculture-style food systems by nurturing and enhancing the natural features of their land. Together they have created a diverse, beautiful and bountiful environment.
During a tour of the property, you'll learn about planning an integrated system that includes plants and animals, natural methods of fertilising and soil conservation. Olmec will also demonstrate how to drought-proof your property using swales; that is, earth-shaping to harvest water.

Contribution: 2 time-bank credits or $10 suggested fee
To register contact: Belinda Meares, 03 314 3406,
(Car-pooling can be arranged).
September 17, 2016