Found 3 results tagged with 'nitrogen'

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Psoralea Pinnata

Psoralea Pinnata

Common name   fountain bush, penwortel, blue broom, Albany broom, African scurf pea, taylorina, blue psoralea, Dally pine
Botanical name   Psoralea Pinnata
Details   Native to South Africa. Looking a little like rosemary.
Flowers October to December extremely attractive to bees.
Flowering is followed by the production of small pods, each of these contain a single dark brown seed.
Establishes in Gumlands, dry shrubland, coastline, estuaries, bush tracks, forest margins, and fernland, especially in warmer areas.
Will even persist under pines and wattles. It would seem that it can successfully compete with established trees in difficult wet areas.
Family   Fabaceae
Flowers   blue, white, pale purple
Height (m)   1.5 - 4
Drought tolerance  
Nitrogen fixer  
Shade / Sun   Full sun to part shade
Soil type   Prefers damp
Wind tolerance   Good
Tags     legume  nitrogen  succession 
Nitrogen fixing plant species suited to temperate climate such as North Canterbury New Zealand

Nitrogen fixing plant species suited to temperate climate such as North Canterbury New Zealand

Nitrogen is an essential element for plant growth. Certain plants have a useful ability to capture nitrogen from the atmosphere. This is often achieved through symbiotic relationship with fungi in the root zone. Being able access unlimited nitrogen allows these plants to grow quickly while also making some available to surrounding plants. The practical reality is that including nitrogen fixing plants of various shapes and sizes amongst other productive plantings improves overall health, vigour and fertility,