Painted Mountain Corn Seed

Painted Mountain Corn Seed
Common name   Maize
Botanical name   Zea mays
Details   A dry corn rather than a sweetcorn, featuring brightly coloured cobs bred for hardiness, earliness and high nutrition flour. Height around 1.5m. Early maturing 90 days from sowing.
Frost sensitive  
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Tags     annual  edible  tender  vegetable 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
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Painted Mountain Corn, also known as "Painted Mountain Flour Corn," is a unique and colourful variety of corn that has gained popularity among gardeners and farmers for its various uses and qualities. Here are some of the main uses and qualities of the Painted Mountain Corn plant:
  1. Colourful Appearance: One of the most striking qualities of Painted Mountain Corn is its vibrant and diverse array of colours. The kernels come in shades of red, blue, yellow, orange, purple, and more, making it an aesthetically pleasing plant to grow in the garden.
  2. High Genetic Diversity: Painted Mountain Corn is known for its genetic diversity, which contributes to its adaptability to different growing conditions. This characteristic makes it suitable for cultivation in various regions and climates.
  3. Short Growing Season: This corn variety has been bred for its short growing season, making it ideal for cooler climates or areas with shorter growing seasons. It can mature and produce corn in as little as 70-90 days, depending on the specific growing conditions.
  4. Drought Tolerance: Painted Mountain Corn is generally more drought-tolerant compared to some other corn varieties. Its deep root system helps it access water and nutrients from lower soil layers, allowing it to withstand periods of limited rainfall.
  5. Edible Uses: While Painted Mountain Corn is primarily grown for its ornamental value and genetic diversity, the kernels are also edible. However, it's worth noting that this corn variety is typically used for cornmeal or grinding into flour rather than sweet corn, as the kernels have a harder texture.
  6. Flour Production: Painted Mountain Corn is particularly valued for its ability to produce nutritious cornmeal or flour. The colourful flour can be used in various culinary applications, including baking, making tortillas, pancakes, and more.
  7. Animal Feed: Additionally, the harvested corn can be used as animal feed for livestock, providing a nutritious and colourful addition to their diet.
  8. Genetic Preservation: Growing and maintaining varieties like Painted Mountain Corn contributes to preserving genetic diversity in the plant kingdom, which can be essential for adapting to changing environmental conditions and potential challenges in the future.
  9. Potential for Decorative Purposes: Beyond its use as food, the colourful ears of Painted Mountain Corn can also be used decoratively in craft projects, fall decorations, and ornamental arrangements.
Overall, Painted Mountain Corn is a versatile and visually stunning variety of corn that offers not only an array of uses but also contributes to the conservation of agricultural biodiversity. It is an excellent choice for gardeners, farmers, and anyone interested in sustainable agriculture and preserving unique and rare plant varieties.