Land, plant and animal system management


Important ideas and topics for living a resilient life in times of change and crisis


Using nature as a model, coupled with human pattern recognition and forethought to create and nudge interconnected systems toward improved output, lower input.

We are aiming for a low impact, more sustainable way of living and being that draws inspiration from permaculture principals.

Finding the eggs

Finding the eggs

A number of hens have gone clucky, it's that time of year again. Locating the outdoor nests is always a challenge as not only are they well hidden the hens are careful to come and go unnoticed.

Today's nest has 15 eggs slowly turning into 15 tasty chickens.
September 26, 2010
  Bantam  Nest  Clucky  Chicken  Eggs 

Bumblebee nest

Our efforts to create a hospitable environment for bumblebees seems to be paying off. The fuzzy little creatures can be seen on almost any of the numerous types of flowers we have spreading across the property. To top if off we discovered a nest inside the concrete block wall of the chook house and piggery.

There is a contented buzzing humming emanating from the wall and every now and then individuals can be seen bumbling in and out.
November 20, 2012
  Bumblebee  nest  hive