Found 4 results tagged with 'herb'

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Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds

Botanical name   Foeniculum vulgare
Details   Super easy to grow requiring no care or attention. Grown as part of our food forest conversion process for transitioning from grass.
  • Produces a lot of biomass in a season.
  • Deep root system for soil stabilisation and building via organic mater injection.
  • Flowers loved by beneficial insects.
  • Seeds harden in autumn and can be used for tea or left to feed the birds and self seed.
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Tags     edible  herb  perennial 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Watch Learn More Only 3 in stock   Order
Parsley seeds (mixed)

Parsley seeds (mixed)

Common name   Garden parsley
Botanical name   Petroselinum crispum
Details   A mix of flat and curly leafed parsley. Great herb and insect plant.
Tags     edable  herb 
Price   $3.90  40 seeds
Watch Learn More Only 5 in stock   Order
Licorice Mint Seeds

Licorice Mint Seeds

Botanical name   Agastache foeniculum
Details   Also known as Anise Hyssop, this strongly licorice scented mint has a distinctive sweet taste and nice purple flower spikes for the insects.
Tags     flowers  herb  purple 
Price   $3.90  40 seeds
Watch Learn More Only 3 in stock   Order