Found 10 results tagged with 'purple'

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False Indigo Seeds

False Indigo Seeds

Botanical name   Amorpha fruticosa
Details   Purple flowering large shrub to small tree growing to 4 meters. Amorphous fruticosa is a deciduous nitrogen fixing shrub in the legume family. Found wild in most of the contiguous United States, southeastern Canada, and northern Mexico and introduced to Europe. Asia and other continents. It is often cultivated as an ornamental plant. It has minor edible use and some additional uses including: Bedding; Dye; Insecticide; Oil; Repellent; Shelterbelt; and Soil stabilization. Common names, including desert false indigo, false indigo-bush, and bastard indigobush.
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     flowers  N fixer  purple 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Russell Lupin Seeds

Russell Lupin Seeds

Colour   mixed
Botanical name   Lupinus polyphyllus
Details   This leafy plant can grow to a meter and a half with its tall colourful spires of flowers which are a nectar source for bumblebees and other insects. Being a legume, lupins fix nitrogen in the surrounding soil for use by other plants making them a useful as well as attractive addition to the garden or orchard.
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     flowers  N fixer  perennial  pink  purple  white  yellow 
Price   $3.20  20 seeds
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Licorice Mint Seeds

Licorice Mint Seeds

Botanical name   Agastache foeniculum
Details   Also known as Anise Hyssop, this strongly licorice scented mint has a distinctive sweet taste and nice purple flower spikes for the insects.
Tags     flowers  herb  purple 
Price   $3.90  40 seeds
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Winter vege

Winter vege

Details   At this time of year the garden looks unfortunately grim, with little growing. It was an exciting surprise to discover this beauty.
Date   August 09, 2012
Tags     winter  vege  purple  broccoli 
Phacelia seed

Phacelia seed

Common name   Blue tansy or purple tansy
Botanical name   Phacelia
Details   Quick and easy to grow, this fantastic bee plant can get up to a meter tall, covered in purple flowers. As it produces a large amount of plant matter it is also useful as green manure or mulch. Produces plenty of seed for next season.
Tags     annual  purple  bees  seed 
Price   $3.90  100 seeds
Columbine Seeds

Columbine Seeds

Common name   granny's bonnet, columbine
Botanical name   Aquilegia
Details   Purple flowers, loved by bumblebees. Grows well in a range of sites. Seeds are poisonous.
Tags     flowers  purple 
Price   $3.10  40 seeds
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Hardenbergia vine seeds

Hardenbergia vine seeds

Common name   Coral vine
Botanical name   Hardenbergia
Details   Vigorous evergreen climber native to Australia. Requires a warm, sheltered location. Can grow in dry conditions. Purple or pink and white flowers loved by bees in early spring.
Drought tolerance  
Frost sensitive  
Nitrogen fixer  
Tags     flowers  N fixer  purple  tender  vine 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Flowers   Pink / purple
Watch Learn More Only 9 in stock   Order
Lavender seed

Lavender seed

Botanical name   Lavandula
Details   Seed collected from a selection of different lavendar plants of varying type, some seed grown and some commercial cultivars.
Drought tolerance  
Tags     flowers  purple 
Price   $3.90  40 seeds
Purple Akeake Seeds

Purple Akeake Seeds

Botanical name   Dodonea viscosa
Details   A reasonably fast growing NZ native bushy shrub or small tree with purple leaves. Good for creating shelter and controlling erosion. The timber from akeake is one of the hardest native woods. It was traditionally used for paddles, weapons, digging sticks and spade blades.
Drought tolerance  
Tags     evergreen  flowers  native  purple  tree 
Price   $3.90  20 seeds
Colour   Purple
Flowers   Pink
Wind tolerance   Excellent
Watch Learn More Only 1 in stock   Order