Chooks and chickens

Having grown up with chickens roaming round the yard and the boisterous crowing of the roosters as part of the soundtrack of my childhood, it seemed only natural that we should have some of the feathery fowl.

Getting started was easy enough as my mother still keeps a motley crew of hens. Working through the technicalities has been a little more challenging.  Chickens are generally low maintenance, forage for a good portion of their food and offer a variety of valuable by-products including eggs, meat, earth moving, feathers, manure and body heat.

Assuming you have a rooster, their tendency to hatch out large numbers of babies means, for better or worse, the size of your flock can grow very quickly.

Bits and pieces from the block

Bits and pieces from the block

Coming out of the hibernation of winter things are speeding up with plenty to do, not that stuff didn't get done or nature deliver some excitement these past months...

Here are a few photos that sum up the past few days.
September 01, 2011
New Blood

New Blood

As our flock of chickens has been actively breeding for a number of years using offspring roosters we thought it might be time to refresh the gene pool.
Until we 'dispose' of our current rooster the new guy must stay in quarantine to avoid bloodshed.
The friends who gave us this good looking fellow said he is a Rhode island red, for meat and eggs, perfect
July 22, 2011
Over the edge

Over the edge

Why did the chicken jump off the cliff? We will never really know for sure. But this morning she was a bit jumpy and a bit edgy...and then she just jumped right over the edge and went flapping and squawking to the blackberries below.
June 01, 2011
  Chicken  Ladder  Cliff 
Extra long chicken run

Extra long chicken run

The idea behind this chicken run is to provide the inhabitants with a reasonably large area (21 square meters) while being easy to move and providing adequate protection.

Using odds and ends I was able to construct something that looks like it will do the trick. Read more about materials and construction process.
January 30, 2011
Chopping the clucky chook for dinner

Chopping the clucky chook for dinner

So, our chooks have started going clucky (broody) on us again. That means fewer eggs and the usual dramas of trying to get them 'unclucked'. Since we have been considering downscaling our operation due to the excess of eggs and the damage caused in the garden by the aggressively scratching fowls it seemed like an opportunity to have a chicken dinner.
January 24, 2011
  cook  eat  kill  clucky  broody  hen  chook 
don't count your chickens...

don't count your chickens...

Well, there is something killing our little chickens. We have it narrowed down to a hawk or a wild cat...or maybe both. Just last week 4 were killed and 2 were injured. And the injured ones died by the next morning. About a month ago we had 38 baby chickens...and today we have 26. I guess that's just the way of nature...survival of the fittest chicken. The toughest fastest ones will make it through...only to become a feast on our table one day...
December 22, 2010
a rooster called kebab

a rooster called kebab

This baby rooster was close to death when Olmec found him wounded in the paddock a few nights ago. We think he may have been attacked by a hawk and somehow survived. We have cleaned him up and his wounds have been healing well. But now he is too tame to return him to his mother.
November 04, 2010
little chickens

little chickens

The little bantams have arrived. There are 15 in total: 7 from one mother and 8 from the other. We have put both groups in the same chookhouse. So they have gotten all mixed together and it seems there is a favourite mother. She has 11 at the moment, and the other only has 4. I suppose they will keep swapping and sharing babies.
October 13, 2010
  Chickens  Video  Spring 
Finding the eggs

Finding the eggs

A number of hens have gone clucky, it's that time of year again. Locating the outdoor nests is always a challenge as not only are they well hidden the hens are careful to come and go unnoticed.

Today's nest has 15 eggs slowly turning into 15 tasty chickens.
September 26, 2010
  Bantam  Nest  Clucky  Chicken  Eggs 
Chooks are laying again!

Chooks are laying again!

We were beginning to question the commitment of our chooks (and the manhood of our rooster) as the winter egg famine failed to break.

I spent numerous evenings digging the ground to expose worms, collecting sea shells for grit and finally they are away.
August 29, 2010
  Laying  eggs  spring  chooks 
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