Land, plant and animal system management


Important ideas and topics for living a resilient life in times of change and crisis


Using nature as a model, coupled with human pattern recognition and forethought to create and nudge interconnected systems toward improved output, lower input.

We are aiming for a low impact, more sustainable way of living and being that draws inspiration from permaculture principals.

Getting older, in style

Getting older, in style

Something of a ritual, we recognised our third wedding anniversary by once again squeezing into our costumes and making a photo for the record.

November is a good time for this with so much vibrant growth and bloom.
November 01, 2011

9 years anniversary

Details   Our yearly ritual of dressing in aged wedding attire and making a photo shoot to mark the passing of time. This year we had the assistance of intern, Zach, behind the camera to make things more creative.
Date   November 01, 2017
Tags     anniversary  wedding  spring  2017