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Plastic house

Plastic house

Details   Well designed plastic house offers plenty of space for growing exostic and out of season crops
Date   July 30, 2013
Tags     garden 

Good News and Bad News...

Well, the bad news is, I found one of the baby chickens dead this morning. Something ate half of it and left the rest. And whatever it was must have gotten into the crib-house which means it is likely a ferret. It is sad. But somewhat expected. We didn't think all three would necessarily make it to full adulthood. I hope the other two will though!
The good news is, a few days ago I found a nest of 13 eggs! One of the bantams has gone clucky again and has hidden her nest right in the middle of the paddock. We've marked it with a white pole so that we won't step on her. So in another few weeks, we will have more babies!
Update: 12 chickens hatch
November 24, 2009
  bantam  clucky 
Colours of spring

Colours of spring

Details   A lush time of year, when a lot of good growing gets done and the shape of summer is still around the corner.
Date   October 08, 2017
Tags     2017  October  Spring  Blossom 
Bunny time

Bunny time

Having recently returned from a 'round the world' trip. Deschia decided to hang out with us and re-acclimatise.

Deschia is holding a baby rabbit that Gibson caught and was slowly playing to death.

Thanks for bringing us a hammock from Thailand!
December 07, 2009
  Deschia  rabbit 
European hazelnut

European hazelnut

Botanical name   Corylus avellana
Family   Betulaceae
Details   Broadly columnar, deciduous. Very edible hazel nuts in March with yellow autumn leaves in April. Make great windbreaks yielding nuts, small poles and rods. Coppice readily.
Wind pollinated (not self fertile)
Frost hardy
Diameter   3.00
Height (m)   5
Jugulone tolerance  
Seeds / nuts / tubers  
Soil type   Most (prefers moist)
Wind tolerance   High
Tags     nuts 


So, the bantam that was sitting on 13 eggs out in the grass just hatched out 12 chicks.
As these are all from her own eggs they share a resemblance to the mother, all tiny and shades of brown.
December 07, 2009
  chickens  hatch  bantam 


An evening of social merriment and music.
We made our way to an interesting party out at port robenson where people dressed medieval and enjoyed a robust meal, drinks, flaming fires and music.
It made me think of something from Alice in Wonderland, a kind of mad hatters tea party as the monk played the trombone, costumes and hats swirled in dance surrounded by Ashley's bizarre décor.
July 24, 2011
Pruning fruit and nut trees

Pruning fruit and nut trees

Time of year for pruning, and an attempt to improve the shape of the trees for easier picking.

Our orchard has a number of large trees as well as a collection of younger ones, all require attention.
June 16, 2010
  Fruit  Trees  Pruning  Almond 
Reinventing the parking structure

Reinventing the parking structure

A look at possible urban farming in the post petroleum future, making the most of the situation and thinking about survival.

The voices in the peak oil conversation have made it clear to me that problems with the production and transportation of vegetables will demand more food to be grown closer to the point of consumption - back yards, roof tops, window sills and so on.
Kunstler believes that cities will contract, and those on the coast (exposed to sea level rise) are certainly likely to, as are those that require air conditioning or heating to make the climate bearable.

June 21, 2010
  Urban  Future  Farming 
The King is Dead!

The King is Dead!

This morning the king (rooster) was noted absent from breakfast around 8:30. The discovery a mass of scattered feathers at the far end of the track at 11 made his disappearance more sinister. Was it a plot by the 3 young brothers, to unseat their father as head of the tribe. Or was it some kind of wild animal?
Warning: disturbing images
June 04, 2010
  Rooster  Death  Stoat  Ferret  Pests 
Bird Safety - The clown cat

Bird Safety - The clown cat

Gibson had been catching an unfortunate number of birds over the winter months (as well as mice which we are greatfull for) so something had to be done.

He doesn't seem to mind his bright 'bird safety' collar.
August 04, 2010
  Gibson  birds 
Vegetable Dinner

Vegetable Dinner

Fresh vegetables from the garden are quickly and easily converted to a tasty meal.
Part 1 - Mashed potato, beetroot, onion and basil
Part 2 - Steamed beetroot and silverbeet leaves and beans
Part 3 - Salad of carrot, peas, radish, pepper and feta
February 23, 2010


Today I saw the first Tui as he flew lazily and dipped across the paddock, settling on the tip of a tall pine.

Over the next half an hour or so he explored the gully and I could hear his distinctive voice as he called out, seeking cousins.

I just hope he decides to take up residence and not just pass on through. There is plenty to keep him here, but no mates at present.

For the next week or so, 2 Tuis set up residence in our orchard and could be seen and heard playing noisily. At present (24 Aug) they seem to have gone again. We hope they return.
July 17, 2010

The Triplets of blockhill

Of the twelve eggs, only three have successfully hatched.  There are three little fluffy feathered babies...all black like the mother, though they may be from other hens eggs...we aren't too sure. We have put some of the remaining eggs under the speckled hen who has also gone clucky, but it's been a few days now, and no other baby chickens have emerged. So it looks like we have just the three. Hopefully they will survive the ferrets and the cat!
November 10, 2009
  chickens  hatch 
Construction process

Construction process

Fortunately the skeleton and shell of the building was quite sound and really just needed a few minor alterations before we could run wiring and pipes and close the walls and finish the interior.
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