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Rejuvenating a garden fork

Rejuvenating a garden fork

I recently uncovered the head off an old garden fork. It was badly rusted but was a nice size so I decided to make a handle and put it to work in the garden.
September 10, 2009
Plastic house

Plastic house

I recently inherited this kit-set plastic house from my sister (designed by my father).
Assembly was relatively simple and I am now looking forward to allocating a piece of ground to it.
November 10, 2009

The Triplets of blockhill

Of the twelve eggs, only three have successfully hatched.  There are three little fluffy feathered babies...all black like the mother, though they may be from other hens eggs...we aren't too sure. We have put some of the remaining eggs under the speckled hen who has also gone clucky, but it's been a few days now, and no other baby chickens have emerged. So it looks like we have just the three. Hopefully they will survive the ferrets and the cat!
November 10, 2009
  chickens  hatch 

Good News and Bad News...

Well, the bad news is, I found one of the baby chickens dead this morning. Something ate half of it and left the rest. And whatever it was must have gotten into the crib-house which means it is likely a ferret. It is sad. But somewhat expected. We didn't think all three would necessarily make it to full adulthood. I hope the other two will though!
The good news is, a few days ago I found a nest of 13 eggs! One of the bantams has gone clucky again and has hidden her nest right in the middle of the paddock. We've marked it with a white pole so that we won't step on her. So in another few weeks, we will have more babies!
Update: 12 chickens hatch
November 24, 2009
  bantam  clucky 


While cutting wood the other day I uncovered a nest containing 14 quail eggs. These birds are common round here and apparently make good eating so I transfered the eggs under a clucky hen in the hopes she will hatch them out.
November 29, 2009
  quail  birds  eggs  incubate 
Bunny time

Bunny time

Having recently returned from a 'round the world' trip. Deschia decided to hang out with us and re-acclimatise.

Deschia is holding a baby rabbit that Gibson caught and was slowly playing to death.

Thanks for bringing us a hammock from Thailand!
December 07, 2009
  Deschia  rabbit 


So, the bantam that was sitting on 13 eggs out in the grass just hatched out 12 chicks.
As these are all from her own eggs they share a resemblance to the mother, all tiny and shades of brown.
December 07, 2009
  chickens  hatch  bantam 
Summer Flavours

Summer Flavours

Details   Now is the time of year when the hard work in the garden is recovered. All the planting, weeding and watering has been converted into tasty veges.
Date   December 30, 2009


Emily came to stay between Christmas and New Year and was able to do a short day trip to the Hot Pools at Hanmer Springs. During her stay at Blockhill she explored down into the gullies of native bush and also got to enjoy the early season plums that had started to ripen in the orchard.
December 30, 2009
  Emily  visitor 


It's been a year since Steve stopped in and planted a tree to offset his flight home to New Zealand.

Returning to the new and improved Blockhill, Steve made use of the hammock and stretched his legs with a cycle ride.
January 06, 2010
  Steve  visitor 


A bumper crop of plums this year. We have been eating them, freezing them, giving them away and trading into the community.
With several trees yet to ripen there is no end in sight.
January 08, 2010
Plum Wine

Plum Wine

With an excess of plums and apparently to much spare time, I decided to try and make wine. The process is reasonably simple, so I have high hopes.
No doubt as other fruit come ready I'll be experimenting with other flavours.
January 30, 2010


Wild blackberries are a bit of a curse round here, growing rampantly wherever they can. However at this time of year they redeem themselves somewhat by offering up sweet berries.
In addition to the thorny wild plants, we have a thornless variety in the garden that produces larger, more accessible berries.
February 16, 2010


Our crop of peaches came ready unexpectedly early. Thanks to the wet season they are sensationally juicy.

As with the plums we have more than we know what to do with and so jam making was in order.
February 15, 2010
  Peach  Jam  Preserve  Fruit 
Drying Fruit

Drying Fruit

Another way of dealing with surplus fruit is to dry them in the sun for use over winter.

Use a simple wooden frame with fine mesh / gauze stretched over and then place the cut fruit and put the whole contraption out in the sun.
February 17, 2010
Vegetable Dinner

Vegetable Dinner

Fresh vegetables from the garden are quickly and easily converted to a tasty meal.
Part 1 - Mashed potato, beetroot, onion and basil
Part 2 - Steamed beetroot and silverbeet leaves and beans
Part 3 - Salad of carrot, peas, radish, pepper and feta
February 23, 2010
Flavour of the day - Raspberry

Flavour of the day - Raspberry

Details   Over the past few weeks we've been getting the odd handful of berries off our small patch of raspberry canes.
Today I noticed they were dripping with fruit. Some so ripe they fell off as I brushed past the plant.
It's going to be raspberries and ice-cream for desert.
Date   March 08, 2010
Tags     Raspberry  Berries  Cane Fruit 


As the number of chooks steadily increases so too does the need for housing.
In attempt to prevent the family of bantams from visiting our garden everyday we decided to resurrect the old shed down the far end of the farm.
Click the photo to see before and after
March 09, 2010
Farming USA

Farming USA

I listened to a recent edition of the podcast "2 beers with Steve" in which he discusses small scale local agriculture and the failings of mechanised, chemical based industrial farming.

In order to better visualise the rise of the mega farm I put together this graph (click to view larger) that depicts changes to US farming over time.
It would be interesting to get hold of similar statistics for NZ.
March 15, 2010
  Farming  History  USA 
Of motorcycle and fiddle

Of motorcycle and fiddle

Kerry stopped in on her way south, spent a couple of days enjoying the nice autumn weather and entertaining us with her fiddle before packing her motorcycle and continuing on.
April 18, 2010
Portable Electric Chainsaw

Portable Electric Chainsaw

Configuring an electric chainsaw for mobile firewood collection.

Electric chainsaws are light, with no fumes, less noise and fewer complex parts to cause issues.

The problem is they require a fair amount of power, thus limiting their portability.

Check out how to set up a useful system for mobile sawing...
April 27, 2010
Lowering the cost of living

Lowering the cost of living

I'm pleased to be able to verify (to myself at least) the lower cost of country living.
This chart is based on 4 years of personal expense figures and shows a 50% reduction in average quarterly living costs.
May 02, 2010
The cube

The cube

My micro glasshouse constructed out of 5 windows.
With an opening front and lid it provides an ideal (small) space protected from wind and extreme cold.
January 01, 2010
Oaks from acorns

Oaks from acorns

Growing oaks from seed using locally collected acorns.
This is a low cost approach to establishing a wood lot from seed. By mowing the thick grass and then scattering the hundreds of acorns and covering with grass mulch.
May 13, 2010
  oak  acorn  seedlings  timber 
Cherry tree

Cherry tree

The bright autumn colours of the wild cherry tree.
May 10, 2010
  autumn  cherry   
Windows (repair)

Windows (repair)

I discovered some dry rot in the corner of our bedroom window. Being unskilled in the arts of building and carpentry, I put off dealing with it for as long as I could.
Finally I got the courage to pull the rotten bits out and create replacement elements.
May 10, 2010


The elephant in the room (or, the 6.78 billion inhabitants of the earth).
Rewarding no-child families in an effort to halt population growth.

An attempt to think our way out of the population situation.
May 30, 2010
Garden expansion

Garden expansion

We discovered we need more garden area if we wish to grow sufficient volumes of potatoes to see us through the year. As a result I have spent a number of evenings out in the paddock with a shovel, turning over earth and laying compost and mulch.
I have tried a variety of soil amendments including growing lupins, sheep manure from the neighbors shed and cleanings from the chook house.
June 03, 2010
The King is Dead!

The King is Dead!

This morning the king (rooster) was noted absent from breakfast around 8:30. The discovery a mass of scattered feathers at the far end of the track at 11 made his disappearance more sinister. Was it a plot by the 3 young brothers, to unseat their father as head of the tribe. Or was it some kind of wild animal?
Warning: disturbing images
June 04, 2010
  Rooster  Death  Stoat  Ferret  Pests 
Pruning fruit and nut trees

Pruning fruit and nut trees

Time of year for pruning, and an attempt to improve the shape of the trees for easier picking.

Our orchard has a number of large trees as well as a collection of younger ones, all require attention.
June 16, 2010
  Fruit  Trees  Pruning  Almond 

Shortest day

The winter solstice, the shortest day and longest night of the year.
The good news is that it's going to get progressively lighter day by day (until the end of the year).
June 21, 2010
Reinventing the parking structure

Reinventing the parking structure

A look at possible urban farming in the post petroleum future, making the most of the situation and thinking about survival.

The voices in the peak oil conversation have made it clear to me that problems with the production and transportation of vegetables will demand more food to be grown closer to the point of consumption - back yards, roof tops, window sills and so on.
Kunstler believes that cities will contract, and those on the coast (exposed to sea level rise) are certainly likely to, as are those that require air conditioning or heating to make the climate bearable.

June 21, 2010
  Urban  Future  Farming 
The little fellas

The little fellas

In an attempt to diversify our gene pool and add a touch more variety to our flock we acquired 6 new chooks.

The 3 little english game hens, as seen in the foreground, are cute little midgets and the rooster has a hilarious crow...

Also in the mix, 2 bantams and a lavender arikana.
June 29, 2010


Clear calm winter days usually result in severe frosts. After all the rain and with things still being so damp there has been some impressive ice.
July 11, 2010
  Frost  Winter  Ice 
Solstice Gathering

Solstice Gathering

In an attempt to break up the gloomy monotony of the long dark winter months we organised a family get together.
Lots of food, good company and the obligatory bonfire.

The burned circular area has subsequently been dug and mulched in preparation for planting in spring.
July 03, 2010
More Trees

More Trees

This weekend I planted a number of crop trees. For the most part it was seedling walnuts collected from under my grandmothers tree but also included 5 grafted fruit trees I purchased.

2 x apricot
2 x nectarine
1 x almond
July 25, 2010
Chooks are laying again!

Chooks are laying again!

We were beginning to question the commitment of our chooks (and the manhood of our rooster) as the winter egg famine failed to break.

I spent numerous evenings digging the ground to expose worms, collecting sea shells for grit and finally they are away.
August 29, 2010
  Laying  eggs  spring  chooks 
Bull shit - Garden gold

Bull shit - Garden gold

It's not everyday that you get offered a trailer load of bull shit and hay.

Friends of ours had access to a supply of the rich smelling garden additive just over their fence and I couldn't pass it up.

Our new, extended garden area is now fully mulched and the worms are doing their bit to transform it into the ideal growing medium.
August 29, 2010
  Compost  Manure 
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